

Using TGP contents without certificate is strictly not allowed and will be punished with copyright strike or content removal from any platform.

TGP PRODUCTIONS certificate allows To make gameplay only. Not sharing the contents of tgp, If anyone wants to share TGP content on any platform so it's not possible because tgp not allows to anyone for sharing the TGP's content.

If  certificate not shown in starting of the video and he/she made a gameplay or shown our Contents or  dependencies like bogies of the coach, Tracksound, Horn, Textures of model, Coding and script. Also if anything changes in our content like renamed our contents names and claiming its not by TGP etc...

renaming TGP contents is too strictly not allowed.

If  video includes certificate and make a gameplay using our contents so there is no issue but if anyone shared TGP contents by showing certificate is not allowed! and They will be punished wth copyright strike or content removal from platform.

For the permission of certificate for only gameplay making purpose contact our Manager on


Thank you for reading our copyright terms & conditions.

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